Applicability of Single Responsibility PrincipleDo you leverage the benefits of the open-closed principle?Single Responsibility Principle ImplementationSomething confusing about Single Responsibility PrincipleSingle Responsibility Principle: Responsibility unknownIdentifying Domain Services & Application Services when doing DDDApplication of Single Responsibility Principle on a ButtonWhen using the Single Responsibility Principle, what constitutes a “responsibility?”Single Responsibility Principle Violation?Does Template pattern violate Single Responsibility principle?Single responsibility principle - importer

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Applicability of Single Responsibility Principle

Do you leverage the benefits of the open-closed principle?Single Responsibility Principle ImplementationSomething confusing about Single Responsibility PrincipleSingle Responsibility Principle: Responsibility unknownIdentifying Domain Services & Application Services when doing DDDApplication of Single Responsibility Principle on a ButtonWhen using the Single Responsibility Principle, what constitutes a “responsibility?”Single Responsibility Principle Violation?Does Template pattern violate Single Responsibility principle?Single responsibility principle - importer


I recently came by a seemingly trivial architectural problem. I had a simple repository in my code that was called like this (code is in C#):

var user = /* create user somehow */;
/* do some other stuff*/

SaveChanges was a simple wrapper that commits changes to database:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);

Then, after some time, I needed to implement new logic that would send email notifications every time a user was created in the system. Since there were many calls to _userRepository.Add() and SaveChanges around the system, I decided to update SaveChanges like this:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);
foreach (var newUser in dataContext.GetAddedUsers())

_eventService.RaiseEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(newUser ))

This way, external code could subscribe to UserCreatedEvent and handle the needed business logic that would send notifications.

But it was pointed out to me that my modification of SaveChanges violated the Single Responsibility principle, and that SaveChanges should just save and not fire any events.

Is this a valid point? It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function. And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.


  • 3

    Your retort is: "OK, so how would you write it so that it doesn't violate SRP but still allows a single point of modification?"

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • 7

    My observation is that raising an event does not add an additional responsibility. In fact, quite the opposite: it delegates the responsibility somewhere else.

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • I think your coworker is right, but your question is valid and useful, so upvoted!

    – Andres F.
    4 hours ago

  • 3

    There's no such thing as a definitive definition of a Single Responsibility. The person pointing out that it violates SRP is correct using their personal definition and you are correct using your definition. I think your design is perfectly fine with the caveat that this event isn't a one-off whereby other similar functionality is done in different ways. Consistency is far, far, far more important to pay attention to than some vague guideline like SRP which carried to the extreme ends up with tons of very easy to understand classes that nobody knows how to make work in a system.

    – Dunk
    2 hours ago


I recently came by a seemingly trivial architectural problem. I had a simple repository in my code that was called like this (code is in C#):

var user = /* create user somehow */;
/* do some other stuff*/

SaveChanges was a simple wrapper that commits changes to database:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);

Then, after some time, I needed to implement new logic that would send email notifications every time a user was created in the system. Since there were many calls to _userRepository.Add() and SaveChanges around the system, I decided to update SaveChanges like this:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);
foreach (var newUser in dataContext.GetAddedUsers())

_eventService.RaiseEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(newUser ))

This way, external code could subscribe to UserCreatedEvent and handle the needed business logic that would send notifications.

But it was pointed out to me that my modification of SaveChanges violated the Single Responsibility principle, and that SaveChanges should just save and not fire any events.

Is this a valid point? It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function. And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.


  • 3

    Your retort is: "OK, so how would you write it so that it doesn't violate SRP but still allows a single point of modification?"

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • 7

    My observation is that raising an event does not add an additional responsibility. In fact, quite the opposite: it delegates the responsibility somewhere else.

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • I think your coworker is right, but your question is valid and useful, so upvoted!

    – Andres F.
    4 hours ago

  • 3

    There's no such thing as a definitive definition of a Single Responsibility. The person pointing out that it violates SRP is correct using their personal definition and you are correct using your definition. I think your design is perfectly fine with the caveat that this event isn't a one-off whereby other similar functionality is done in different ways. Consistency is far, far, far more important to pay attention to than some vague guideline like SRP which carried to the extreme ends up with tons of very easy to understand classes that nobody knows how to make work in a system.

    – Dunk
    2 hours ago




I recently came by a seemingly trivial architectural problem. I had a simple repository in my code that was called like this (code is in C#):

var user = /* create user somehow */;
/* do some other stuff*/

SaveChanges was a simple wrapper that commits changes to database:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);

Then, after some time, I needed to implement new logic that would send email notifications every time a user was created in the system. Since there were many calls to _userRepository.Add() and SaveChanges around the system, I decided to update SaveChanges like this:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);
foreach (var newUser in dataContext.GetAddedUsers())

_eventService.RaiseEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(newUser ))

This way, external code could subscribe to UserCreatedEvent and handle the needed business logic that would send notifications.

But it was pointed out to me that my modification of SaveChanges violated the Single Responsibility principle, and that SaveChanges should just save and not fire any events.

Is this a valid point? It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function. And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.


I recently came by a seemingly trivial architectural problem. I had a simple repository in my code that was called like this (code is in C#):

var user = /* create user somehow */;
/* do some other stuff*/

SaveChanges was a simple wrapper that commits changes to database:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);

Then, after some time, I needed to implement new logic that would send email notifications every time a user was created in the system. Since there were many calls to _userRepository.Add() and SaveChanges around the system, I decided to update SaveChanges like this:

void SaveChanges()

_logger.Log("User DB updated: " + someImportantInfo);
foreach (var newUser in dataContext.GetAddedUsers())

_eventService.RaiseEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(newUser ))

This way, external code could subscribe to UserCreatedEvent and handle the needed business logic that would send notifications.

But it was pointed out to me that my modification of SaveChanges violated the Single Responsibility principle, and that SaveChanges should just save and not fire any events.

Is this a valid point? It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function. And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.

architecture single-responsibility





asked 7 hours ago

Andre BorgesAndre Borges



  • 3

    Your retort is: "OK, so how would you write it so that it doesn't violate SRP but still allows a single point of modification?"

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • 7

    My observation is that raising an event does not add an additional responsibility. In fact, quite the opposite: it delegates the responsibility somewhere else.

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • I think your coworker is right, but your question is valid and useful, so upvoted!

    – Andres F.
    4 hours ago

  • 3

    There's no such thing as a definitive definition of a Single Responsibility. The person pointing out that it violates SRP is correct using their personal definition and you are correct using your definition. I think your design is perfectly fine with the caveat that this event isn't a one-off whereby other similar functionality is done in different ways. Consistency is far, far, far more important to pay attention to than some vague guideline like SRP which carried to the extreme ends up with tons of very easy to understand classes that nobody knows how to make work in a system.

    – Dunk
    2 hours ago

  • 3

    Your retort is: "OK, so how would you write it so that it doesn't violate SRP but still allows a single point of modification?"

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • 7

    My observation is that raising an event does not add an additional responsibility. In fact, quite the opposite: it delegates the responsibility somewhere else.

    – Robert Harvey
    6 hours ago

  • I think your coworker is right, but your question is valid and useful, so upvoted!

    – Andres F.
    4 hours ago

  • 3

    There's no such thing as a definitive definition of a Single Responsibility. The person pointing out that it violates SRP is correct using their personal definition and you are correct using your definition. I think your design is perfectly fine with the caveat that this event isn't a one-off whereby other similar functionality is done in different ways. Consistency is far, far, far more important to pay attention to than some vague guideline like SRP which carried to the extreme ends up with tons of very easy to understand classes that nobody knows how to make work in a system.

    – Dunk
    2 hours ago



Your retort is: "OK, so how would you write it so that it doesn't violate SRP but still allows a single point of modification?"

– Robert Harvey
6 hours ago

Your retort is: "OK, so how would you write it so that it doesn't violate SRP but still allows a single point of modification?"

– Robert Harvey
6 hours ago



My observation is that raising an event does not add an additional responsibility. In fact, quite the opposite: it delegates the responsibility somewhere else.

– Robert Harvey
6 hours ago

My observation is that raising an event does not add an additional responsibility. In fact, quite the opposite: it delegates the responsibility somewhere else.

– Robert Harvey
6 hours ago

I think your coworker is right, but your question is valid and useful, so upvoted!

– Andres F.
4 hours ago

I think your coworker is right, but your question is valid and useful, so upvoted!

– Andres F.
4 hours ago



There's no such thing as a definitive definition of a Single Responsibility. The person pointing out that it violates SRP is correct using their personal definition and you are correct using your definition. I think your design is perfectly fine with the caveat that this event isn't a one-off whereby other similar functionality is done in different ways. Consistency is far, far, far more important to pay attention to than some vague guideline like SRP which carried to the extreme ends up with tons of very easy to understand classes that nobody knows how to make work in a system.

– Dunk
2 hours ago

There's no such thing as a definitive definition of a Single Responsibility. The person pointing out that it violates SRP is correct using their personal definition and you are correct using your definition. I think your design is perfectly fine with the caveat that this event isn't a one-off whereby other similar functionality is done in different ways. Consistency is far, far, far more important to pay attention to than some vague guideline like SRP which carried to the extreme ends up with tons of very easy to understand classes that nobody knows how to make work in a system.

– Dunk
2 hours ago

5 Answers





Yes it is a violation of the single responsibility principle and a valid point.

A better design would be to have a separate process retrieve 'new users' from the repository and send the emails. Keeping track of which users have been sent an email, failures, resends etc etc.

This way you can handle errors, crashes and the like as well as avoiding your repository grabbing every requirement which has the idea that events happen "when something is committed to the database"

The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user. It's responsibility is simply storing the user.

share|improve this answer

  • 3

    The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

    – Andre Borges
    1 hour ago

  • I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

    – Alexander
    27 secs ago


Is this a valid point?

Yes it is, although it depends a lot on the structure of your code. I don't have the full context so I will try to talk in general.

It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function.

It absolutely isn't. Logging is not part of the business flow, it can be disabled, it shouldn't cause (business) side effects and should not influence the state and heath of your application in any way, even if you were for some reason not able to log anything anymore. Now compare that with the logic you added.

And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.

SRP works in tandem with ISP (S and I in SOLID). You end up with many classes and methods that do very specific things and nothing else. They are very focused, very easy to update or replace, and in general easy(er) to test. Of course in practice you'll also have a few bigger classes that deal with the orchestration: they will have a number of dependencies, and they will focus not on atomised actions, but on business actions, which may require multiple steps. As long as the business context is clear, they can too be called single responsibility, but as you correctly said, as the code grows, you may want to abstract some of it into new classes / interfaces.

Now back to your particular example. If you absolutely must send a notification whenever a user is created and maybe even perform other more specialised actions, then you could create a separate service that encapsulates this requirement, something like UserCreationService, which exposes one method, Add(user), which handles both the storage (the call to your repository) and the notification as a single business action. Or do it in your original snippet, after _userRepository.SaveChanges();

share|improve this answer

  • Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

    – Andre Borges
    1 hour ago


Be careful with premature event launching, because its side effects are hard (if possible) to undo.

That said, consider the next premise. Creating users is one thing, it's persistence a different one.

Creating users is a business-specific rule. A business concern. It might or might not involve persistence. It might involve more business operations, involving at the same time more database/network operations. Operations the persistence layer knows nothing about (and should not).

It's not even true that _dataContext.SaveChanges(); has persisted the user successfully. It will depend on the db' transaction span. It could be true for databases like Mongodb, which transactions are atomic, but It could not for traditional RDBS implementing ACID transactions.

There's a reason why transaction management happens at the business or service level. These are levels closer to the semantics of the business. They usually describe what user creation means, what to do when everything goes ok and what to do when not.

It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same
thing as logging

Note even close. Logging has no side effects. At least not the ones application events could have.

it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes,
and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes

Not true. SRP is not a class-specific concern. It also operates at higher-levels of abstractions, like layers, components, systems! It's about cohesion, keeping together what changes for the same reasons. If the user creation (use case) changes it's likely the moment and the reasons for the event to happen also changes.

share|improve this answer

  • +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

    – Andres F.
    4 hours ago

  • 1

    Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

    – Laiv
    4 hours ago

  • @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

    – Robert Harvey
    3 hours ago

  • Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

    – Laiv
    3 hours ago


SRP is, theoretically, about people. The correct question is:

Which "stakeholder" added the "send emails" requirement?

If that stakeholder is also in charge of data persistence (unlikely but possible) then this does not violate SRP. Otherwise, it does.

share|improve this answer


    Sending a notification that the persistent data store changed seems like a sensible thing to do when saving.

    Of course you shouldn't treat Add as a special case - you'd have to fire events for Modify and Delete as well. It's the special treatment of the "Add" case that smells, forces the reader to explain why it smells, and ultimately leads to the simple (in my humble opinion false) conclusion that it violates SRP.

    A "notifying" repository that can be queried, changed, and fires events on changes is a perfectly normal object. You can expect to find multiple variations thereof in pretty much every decently sized project.

    But is a "notifying" repository actually what you need? You mentioned C#: Many people would agree that using a System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<> instead of System.Collections.Generic.List<> when the latter is all you need is all kinds of bad and wrong, but few would immediately point to SRP.

    What you are doing now is swapping your UserList _userRepository with an ObservableUserCollection _userRepository. If that's the best course of action or not depends on the application. But while it unquestionably makes the _userRepository considerably less lightweight, it doesn't violate SRP.

    share|improve this answer

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      5 Answers




      5 Answers











      Yes it is a violation of the single responsibility principle and a valid point.

      A better design would be to have a separate process retrieve 'new users' from the repository and send the emails. Keeping track of which users have been sent an email, failures, resends etc etc.

      This way you can handle errors, crashes and the like as well as avoiding your repository grabbing every requirement which has the idea that events happen "when something is committed to the database"

      The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user. It's responsibility is simply storing the user.

      share|improve this answer

      • 3

        The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago

      • I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

        – Alexander
        27 secs ago


      Yes it is a violation of the single responsibility principle and a valid point.

      A better design would be to have a separate process retrieve 'new users' from the repository and send the emails. Keeping track of which users have been sent an email, failures, resends etc etc.

      This way you can handle errors, crashes and the like as well as avoiding your repository grabbing every requirement which has the idea that events happen "when something is committed to the database"

      The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user. It's responsibility is simply storing the user.

      share|improve this answer

      • 3

        The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago

      • I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

        – Alexander
        27 secs ago




      Yes it is a violation of the single responsibility principle and a valid point.

      A better design would be to have a separate process retrieve 'new users' from the repository and send the emails. Keeping track of which users have been sent an email, failures, resends etc etc.

      This way you can handle errors, crashes and the like as well as avoiding your repository grabbing every requirement which has the idea that events happen "when something is committed to the database"

      The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user. It's responsibility is simply storing the user.

      share|improve this answer

      Yes it is a violation of the single responsibility principle and a valid point.

      A better design would be to have a separate process retrieve 'new users' from the repository and send the emails. Keeping track of which users have been sent an email, failures, resends etc etc.

      This way you can handle errors, crashes and the like as well as avoiding your repository grabbing every requirement which has the idea that events happen "when something is committed to the database"

      The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user. It's responsibility is simply storing the user.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 6 hours ago

      answered 6 hours ago




      • 3

        The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago

      • I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

        – Alexander
        27 secs ago

      • 3

        The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago

      • I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

        – Alexander
        27 secs ago



      The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

      – Andre Borges
      1 hour ago

      The repository doesn't know that a user you add is a new user - yes it does, it has a method called Add. Its semantics implies that all added users are new users. Combine all the arguments passed to Add before calling Save - and you get all new users.

      – Andre Borges
      1 hour ago

      I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

      – Alexander
      27 secs ago

      I like this suggestion. However, pragmatism prevails over purity. Depending on the circumstances, adding an entirely new architectural layer to an existing application can be difficult to justify if all you need to do is literally send a single email when a user is added.

      – Alexander
      27 secs ago


      Is this a valid point?

      Yes it is, although it depends a lot on the structure of your code. I don't have the full context so I will try to talk in general.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function.

      It absolutely isn't. Logging is not part of the business flow, it can be disabled, it shouldn't cause (business) side effects and should not influence the state and heath of your application in any way, even if you were for some reason not able to log anything anymore. Now compare that with the logic you added.

      And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.

      SRP works in tandem with ISP (S and I in SOLID). You end up with many classes and methods that do very specific things and nothing else. They are very focused, very easy to update or replace, and in general easy(er) to test. Of course in practice you'll also have a few bigger classes that deal with the orchestration: they will have a number of dependencies, and they will focus not on atomised actions, but on business actions, which may require multiple steps. As long as the business context is clear, they can too be called single responsibility, but as you correctly said, as the code grows, you may want to abstract some of it into new classes / interfaces.

      Now back to your particular example. If you absolutely must send a notification whenever a user is created and maybe even perform other more specialised actions, then you could create a separate service that encapsulates this requirement, something like UserCreationService, which exposes one method, Add(user), which handles both the storage (the call to your repository) and the notification as a single business action. Or do it in your original snippet, after _userRepository.SaveChanges();

      share|improve this answer

      • Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago


      Is this a valid point?

      Yes it is, although it depends a lot on the structure of your code. I don't have the full context so I will try to talk in general.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function.

      It absolutely isn't. Logging is not part of the business flow, it can be disabled, it shouldn't cause (business) side effects and should not influence the state and heath of your application in any way, even if you were for some reason not able to log anything anymore. Now compare that with the logic you added.

      And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.

      SRP works in tandem with ISP (S and I in SOLID). You end up with many classes and methods that do very specific things and nothing else. They are very focused, very easy to update or replace, and in general easy(er) to test. Of course in practice you'll also have a few bigger classes that deal with the orchestration: they will have a number of dependencies, and they will focus not on atomised actions, but on business actions, which may require multiple steps. As long as the business context is clear, they can too be called single responsibility, but as you correctly said, as the code grows, you may want to abstract some of it into new classes / interfaces.

      Now back to your particular example. If you absolutely must send a notification whenever a user is created and maybe even perform other more specialised actions, then you could create a separate service that encapsulates this requirement, something like UserCreationService, which exposes one method, Add(user), which handles both the storage (the call to your repository) and the notification as a single business action. Or do it in your original snippet, after _userRepository.SaveChanges();

      share|improve this answer

      • Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago




      Is this a valid point?

      Yes it is, although it depends a lot on the structure of your code. I don't have the full context so I will try to talk in general.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function.

      It absolutely isn't. Logging is not part of the business flow, it can be disabled, it shouldn't cause (business) side effects and should not influence the state and heath of your application in any way, even if you were for some reason not able to log anything anymore. Now compare that with the logic you added.

      And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.

      SRP works in tandem with ISP (S and I in SOLID). You end up with many classes and methods that do very specific things and nothing else. They are very focused, very easy to update or replace, and in general easy(er) to test. Of course in practice you'll also have a few bigger classes that deal with the orchestration: they will have a number of dependencies, and they will focus not on atomised actions, but on business actions, which may require multiple steps. As long as the business context is clear, they can too be called single responsibility, but as you correctly said, as the code grows, you may want to abstract some of it into new classes / interfaces.

      Now back to your particular example. If you absolutely must send a notification whenever a user is created and maybe even perform other more specialised actions, then you could create a separate service that encapsulates this requirement, something like UserCreationService, which exposes one method, Add(user), which handles both the storage (the call to your repository) and the notification as a single business action. Or do it in your original snippet, after _userRepository.SaveChanges();

      share|improve this answer

      Is this a valid point?

      Yes it is, although it depends a lot on the structure of your code. I don't have the full context so I will try to talk in general.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same thing as logging: just adding some side functionality to the function.

      It absolutely isn't. Logging is not part of the business flow, it can be disabled, it shouldn't cause (business) side effects and should not influence the state and heath of your application in any way, even if you were for some reason not able to log anything anymore. Now compare that with the logic you added.

      And SRP does not prohibit you from using logging or firing events in your functions, it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes, and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes.

      SRP works in tandem with ISP (S and I in SOLID). You end up with many classes and methods that do very specific things and nothing else. They are very focused, very easy to update or replace, and in general easy(er) to test. Of course in practice you'll also have a few bigger classes that deal with the orchestration: they will have a number of dependencies, and they will focus not on atomised actions, but on business actions, which may require multiple steps. As long as the business context is clear, they can too be called single responsibility, but as you correctly said, as the code grows, you may want to abstract some of it into new classes / interfaces.

      Now back to your particular example. If you absolutely must send a notification whenever a user is created and maybe even perform other more specialised actions, then you could create a separate service that encapsulates this requirement, something like UserCreationService, which exposes one method, Add(user), which handles both the storage (the call to your repository) and the notification as a single business action. Or do it in your original snippet, after _userRepository.SaveChanges();

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      answered 3 hours ago




      • Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago

      • Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

        – Andre Borges
        1 hour ago

      Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

      – Andre Borges
      1 hour ago

      Logging is not part of the business flow - how is this relevant in the context of SRP? If the purpose of my event would be to send new user data to Google Analytics - then disabling it would have the same business effect as disabling logging: not critical, but pretty upsetting. What is the rule of a thumb for adding/not adding new logic to a function? "Will disabling it cause major business side effects?"

      – Andre Borges
      1 hour ago


      Be careful with premature event launching, because its side effects are hard (if possible) to undo.

      That said, consider the next premise. Creating users is one thing, it's persistence a different one.

      Creating users is a business-specific rule. A business concern. It might or might not involve persistence. It might involve more business operations, involving at the same time more database/network operations. Operations the persistence layer knows nothing about (and should not).

      It's not even true that _dataContext.SaveChanges(); has persisted the user successfully. It will depend on the db' transaction span. It could be true for databases like Mongodb, which transactions are atomic, but It could not for traditional RDBS implementing ACID transactions.

      There's a reason why transaction management happens at the business or service level. These are levels closer to the semantics of the business. They usually describe what user creation means, what to do when everything goes ok and what to do when not.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same
      thing as logging

      Note even close. Logging has no side effects. At least not the ones application events could have.

      it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes,
      and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes

      Not true. SRP is not a class-specific concern. It also operates at higher-levels of abstractions, like layers, components, systems! It's about cohesion, keeping together what changes for the same reasons. If the user creation (use case) changes it's likely the moment and the reasons for the event to happen also changes.

      share|improve this answer

      • +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

        – Andres F.
        4 hours ago

      • 1

        Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

        – Laiv
        4 hours ago

      • @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

        – Robert Harvey
        3 hours ago

      • Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

        – Laiv
        3 hours ago


      Be careful with premature event launching, because its side effects are hard (if possible) to undo.

      That said, consider the next premise. Creating users is one thing, it's persistence a different one.

      Creating users is a business-specific rule. A business concern. It might or might not involve persistence. It might involve more business operations, involving at the same time more database/network operations. Operations the persistence layer knows nothing about (and should not).

      It's not even true that _dataContext.SaveChanges(); has persisted the user successfully. It will depend on the db' transaction span. It could be true for databases like Mongodb, which transactions are atomic, but It could not for traditional RDBS implementing ACID transactions.

      There's a reason why transaction management happens at the business or service level. These are levels closer to the semantics of the business. They usually describe what user creation means, what to do when everything goes ok and what to do when not.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same
      thing as logging

      Note even close. Logging has no side effects. At least not the ones application events could have.

      it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes,
      and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes

      Not true. SRP is not a class-specific concern. It also operates at higher-levels of abstractions, like layers, components, systems! It's about cohesion, keeping together what changes for the same reasons. If the user creation (use case) changes it's likely the moment and the reasons for the event to happen also changes.

      share|improve this answer

      • +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

        – Andres F.
        4 hours ago

      • 1

        Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

        – Laiv
        4 hours ago

      • @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

        – Robert Harvey
        3 hours ago

      • Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

        – Laiv
        3 hours ago




      Be careful with premature event launching, because its side effects are hard (if possible) to undo.

      That said, consider the next premise. Creating users is one thing, it's persistence a different one.

      Creating users is a business-specific rule. A business concern. It might or might not involve persistence. It might involve more business operations, involving at the same time more database/network operations. Operations the persistence layer knows nothing about (and should not).

      It's not even true that _dataContext.SaveChanges(); has persisted the user successfully. It will depend on the db' transaction span. It could be true for databases like Mongodb, which transactions are atomic, but It could not for traditional RDBS implementing ACID transactions.

      There's a reason why transaction management happens at the business or service level. These are levels closer to the semantics of the business. They usually describe what user creation means, what to do when everything goes ok and what to do when not.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same
      thing as logging

      Note even close. Logging has no side effects. At least not the ones application events could have.

      it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes,
      and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes

      Not true. SRP is not a class-specific concern. It also operates at higher-levels of abstractions, like layers, components, systems! It's about cohesion, keeping together what changes for the same reasons. If the user creation (use case) changes it's likely the moment and the reasons for the event to happen also changes.

      share|improve this answer

      Be careful with premature event launching, because its side effects are hard (if possible) to undo.

      That said, consider the next premise. Creating users is one thing, it's persistence a different one.

      Creating users is a business-specific rule. A business concern. It might or might not involve persistence. It might involve more business operations, involving at the same time more database/network operations. Operations the persistence layer knows nothing about (and should not).

      It's not even true that _dataContext.SaveChanges(); has persisted the user successfully. It will depend on the db' transaction span. It could be true for databases like Mongodb, which transactions are atomic, but It could not for traditional RDBS implementing ACID transactions.

      There's a reason why transaction management happens at the business or service level. These are levels closer to the semantics of the business. They usually describe what user creation means, what to do when everything goes ok and what to do when not.

      It seems to me that the raising an event here is essentially the same
      thing as logging

      Note even close. Logging has no side effects. At least not the ones application events could have.

      it just says that such logic should be encapsulated in other classes,
      and it is OK for a repository to call these other classes

      Not true. SRP is not a class-specific concern. It also operates at higher-levels of abstractions, like layers, components, systems! It's about cohesion, keeping together what changes for the same reasons. If the user creation (use case) changes it's likely the moment and the reasons for the event to happen also changes.

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      share|improve this answer

      edited 3 hours ago

      answered 5 hours ago




      • +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

        – Andres F.
        4 hours ago

      • 1

        Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

        – Laiv
        4 hours ago

      • @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

        – Robert Harvey
        3 hours ago

      • Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

        – Laiv
        3 hours ago

      • +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

        – Andres F.
        4 hours ago

      • 1

        Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

        – Laiv
        4 hours ago

      • @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

        – Robert Harvey
        3 hours ago

      • Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

        – Laiv
        3 hours ago

      +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

      – Andres F.
      4 hours ago

      +1 Very good point about the transaction span. It can be premature to assert the user has been created, because rollbacks can happen; and unlike with a log, it's likely some other part of the app does something with the event.

      – Andres F.
      4 hours ago



      Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

      – Laiv
      4 hours ago

      Exactly. Events denote certainity. Something happened but it's over.

      – Laiv
      4 hours ago

      @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

      – Robert Harvey
      3 hours ago

      @Laiv: Except when they don't. Microsoft has all sorts of events prefixed with Before or Preview that make no guarantees at all about certainty.

      – Robert Harvey
      3 hours ago

      Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

      – Laiv
      3 hours ago

      Hmm. I have never seen this sort of events. Would you mind sharing some references?

      – Laiv
      3 hours ago


      SRP is, theoretically, about people. The correct question is:

      Which "stakeholder" added the "send emails" requirement?

      If that stakeholder is also in charge of data persistence (unlikely but possible) then this does not violate SRP. Otherwise, it does.

      share|improve this answer


        SRP is, theoretically, about people. The correct question is:

        Which "stakeholder" added the "send emails" requirement?

        If that stakeholder is also in charge of data persistence (unlikely but possible) then this does not violate SRP. Otherwise, it does.

        share|improve this answer




          SRP is, theoretically, about people. The correct question is:

          Which "stakeholder" added the "send emails" requirement?

          If that stakeholder is also in charge of data persistence (unlikely but possible) then this does not violate SRP. Otherwise, it does.

          share|improve this answer

          SRP is, theoretically, about people. The correct question is:

          Which "stakeholder" added the "send emails" requirement?

          If that stakeholder is also in charge of data persistence (unlikely but possible) then this does not violate SRP. Otherwise, it does.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 3 hours ago

          answered 3 hours ago





              Sending a notification that the persistent data store changed seems like a sensible thing to do when saving.

              Of course you shouldn't treat Add as a special case - you'd have to fire events for Modify and Delete as well. It's the special treatment of the "Add" case that smells, forces the reader to explain why it smells, and ultimately leads to the simple (in my humble opinion false) conclusion that it violates SRP.

              A "notifying" repository that can be queried, changed, and fires events on changes is a perfectly normal object. You can expect to find multiple variations thereof in pretty much every decently sized project.

              But is a "notifying" repository actually what you need? You mentioned C#: Many people would agree that using a System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<> instead of System.Collections.Generic.List<> when the latter is all you need is all kinds of bad and wrong, but few would immediately point to SRP.

              What you are doing now is swapping your UserList _userRepository with an ObservableUserCollection _userRepository. If that's the best course of action or not depends on the application. But while it unquestionably makes the _userRepository considerably less lightweight, it doesn't violate SRP.

              share|improve this answer


                Sending a notification that the persistent data store changed seems like a sensible thing to do when saving.

                Of course you shouldn't treat Add as a special case - you'd have to fire events for Modify and Delete as well. It's the special treatment of the "Add" case that smells, forces the reader to explain why it smells, and ultimately leads to the simple (in my humble opinion false) conclusion that it violates SRP.

                A "notifying" repository that can be queried, changed, and fires events on changes is a perfectly normal object. You can expect to find multiple variations thereof in pretty much every decently sized project.

                But is a "notifying" repository actually what you need? You mentioned C#: Many people would agree that using a System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<> instead of System.Collections.Generic.List<> when the latter is all you need is all kinds of bad and wrong, but few would immediately point to SRP.

                What you are doing now is swapping your UserList _userRepository with an ObservableUserCollection _userRepository. If that's the best course of action or not depends on the application. But while it unquestionably makes the _userRepository considerably less lightweight, it doesn't violate SRP.

                share|improve this answer




                  Sending a notification that the persistent data store changed seems like a sensible thing to do when saving.

                  Of course you shouldn't treat Add as a special case - you'd have to fire events for Modify and Delete as well. It's the special treatment of the "Add" case that smells, forces the reader to explain why it smells, and ultimately leads to the simple (in my humble opinion false) conclusion that it violates SRP.

                  A "notifying" repository that can be queried, changed, and fires events on changes is a perfectly normal object. You can expect to find multiple variations thereof in pretty much every decently sized project.

                  But is a "notifying" repository actually what you need? You mentioned C#: Many people would agree that using a System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<> instead of System.Collections.Generic.List<> when the latter is all you need is all kinds of bad and wrong, but few would immediately point to SRP.

                  What you are doing now is swapping your UserList _userRepository with an ObservableUserCollection _userRepository. If that's the best course of action or not depends on the application. But while it unquestionably makes the _userRepository considerably less lightweight, it doesn't violate SRP.

                  share|improve this answer

                  Sending a notification that the persistent data store changed seems like a sensible thing to do when saving.

                  Of course you shouldn't treat Add as a special case - you'd have to fire events for Modify and Delete as well. It's the special treatment of the "Add" case that smells, forces the reader to explain why it smells, and ultimately leads to the simple (in my humble opinion false) conclusion that it violates SRP.

                  A "notifying" repository that can be queried, changed, and fires events on changes is a perfectly normal object. You can expect to find multiple variations thereof in pretty much every decently sized project.

                  But is a "notifying" repository actually what you need? You mentioned C#: Many people would agree that using a System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<> instead of System.Collections.Generic.List<> when the latter is all you need is all kinds of bad and wrong, but few would immediately point to SRP.

                  What you are doing now is swapping your UserList _userRepository with an ObservableUserCollection _userRepository. If that's the best course of action or not depends on the application. But while it unquestionably makes the _userRepository considerably less lightweight, it doesn't violate SRP.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 1 hour ago




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