Loose spokes after only a few rides Why are there uneven bright areas in this photo of black hole? How much of the clove should I use when using big garlic heads? writing variables above the numbers in tikz picture Why doesn't UInt have a toDouble()? What is this sharp, curved notch on my knife for? Kerning for subscripts of sigma? If I score a critical hit on an 18 or higher, what are my chances of getting a critical hit if I roll 3d20? Can you cast a spell on someone in the Ethereal Plane, if you are on the Material Plane and have the True Seeing spell active? How do I free up internal storage if I don't have any apps downloaded? What is preventing me from simply constructing a hash that's lower than the current target? Old scifi movie from the 50s or 60s with men in solid red uniforms who interrogate a spy from the past How to translate "being like"? How did passengers keep warm on sail ships? If climate change impact can be observed...