Customize circled numbers Confusion on Parallelogram Using a siddur to Daven from in a seforim store Is camera lens focus an exact point or a range? Varistor? Purpose and principle Have I saved too much for retirement so far? How will losing mobility of one hand affect my career as a programmer? Why does the integral domain "being trapped between a finite field extension" implies that it is a field? What is the grammatical term for “‑ed” words like these? Sampling Theorem and reconstruction A Permanent Norse Presence in America Visiting the UK as unmarried couple How can Trident be so inexpensive? Will it orbit Triton or just do a (slow) flyby? Could solar power be utilized and substitute coal in the 19th century? Fly on a jet pack vs fly with a jet pack? Freedom of speech and where it applies Difference between -| and |- in TikZ THT: What is a squared annular “ring”? Reply ‘no position’ whil...